Changes to the NYSCP Website
The NYSCP website has continued to develop over the last couple of years and some elements of the website, particularly the menus to access information, have become long and harder to navigate, especially on smaller screen due to the increased number of options available from the menu.
Our aim is to continue to develop and improve the website to ensure that information can be easily found and is accessible. With this in mind, we are rationalising the number of options and amalgamating some pages to make information more accessible.
For the information for professionals we are amalgamating pages as follows:
Previous website pages/menu options | New menu/pages |
Procedures ( Practice Guidance and Framework for Decision Making ( One Minute Guides ( | Procedures, Practice Guidance and One Minute Guides ( |
Forms for Professionals ( Tools ( | Forms and Tools ( |
In addition to this we have also rationalised the number of options available on the Parents and Carers menu. A number of the options previously available from the menu have now been moved to the new “Information for Parents and Carers” page.
What does this mean for my organisation?
The majority of the changes made to the website should have a minimal impact on partners. If partners have previously linked their websites to the NYSCP Procedures, Practice Guidance or One Minute Guide pages on our website, these links should be redirected to the Procedures, Practice Guidance and One Minute Guide page as below:
We are aware that it may take partners some time to make such changes. To accommodate this we will keep these pages “live” but links to content will be removed and visitors will be redirected to the new Procedures, Practice Guidance and One Minute Guide page.
The changes made to the Parents and Carers area should have no impact on partners beyond ensuring that they inform staff and volunteers of the new “Information for Parents and Carers” page for when they are referring families to our website.