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Welcome to the NYSCP March 2022 edition of our e-bulletin
Welcome to March’s edition of our NYSCP E-Bulletin. This month seems to have seen just about every whether type possible, especially over the half term.
However nature is starting to show promising signs of spring with the nights starting to get lighter and snowdrops just starting to break through.
This month also sees the start of a number of different local and national campaigns, as well as key information continuing to be shared across our partnership.
Please therefore read through this month’s bulletin and encourage any colleagues who don’t currently receive it to consider signing up via this link NYSCP (
Emma Phillips, Policy and Development Officer, Multi Agency Child Exploitation (MACE) Lead
Jump to…
- Let’s stop abuse together – campaign and website
- Survey for Professionals
- Funded Youth Places – Pendragon Project Peaks Adventure Trek April 2022
- HCV Young People’s Digital Mental Health Support Survey
- Lullaby Trust’s Safer Sleep Week
- Free Awareness Session “Involuntary Celibates”
- Healthwatch North Yorkshire
- Child Exploitation Awareness Week: 14th – 18th March
- Multi-Agency Prevent Champions Event
- Appropriate Language – Exploitation
- Useful Links
Government Launches New Campaign
Government launches new campaign and website to help parents and carers spot the signs of sexual abuse and keep children safe
The UK Government has launched a new campaign to help parents and carers spot the signs of sexual abuse and help keep children safe entitled #StopAbuseTogether Let’s stop abuse together. ( The campaign is supported by the Internet Watch Foundation who are urging parents and carers to spot the dangers to their children online, following their reporting that they investigated more reports of child sexual abuse material online in 2021 than the first 15 years of their work combined. They have also identified a three-fold increase in imagery showing 7-10 year olds who have been targeted and groomed by internet predators and warn that devices can be an ‘open door’ for sex predators to access children alone in their bedrooms. For more information visit Three-fold increase of abuse imagery of 7-10-year-olds as IWF detects more child sexual abuse material online than ever before | IWF
Children and Young People’s Mental Health Survey for Professionals
The North Yorkshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have commissioned a survey to gain insights into support available for children and young people’s mental health in North Yorkshire. The survey will gather views from professionals working with children and young people on a regular basis and will form part of a larger scoping project to support the transformation of services. The scoping project will examine the support available for children and young people’smental health services in North Yorkshire through several different methodologies and will result in a range of options and solutions to improve children and young people’s mental health service pathways in NY. The final report will be considered by the North Yorkshire Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Partnership Board.
If you regularly work with children and young people in North Yorkshire, then please take the time to complete the survey using the link below. The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and will be confidential. The survey will be open until the 31st March 2022 and can be accessed by clicking the link here
Peaks Adventure Trek
Funded youth places – Pendragon Project Peaks Adventure Trek April 2022
Peaks Adventure Trek
25th – 29th April 2022
Peak District National Park
We have 15 funded spaces available for young people aged 17-25
We are keen to work with young people who may not have the opportunity to access outdoor and adventurous experiences, particularly those experiencing complex transitions to adulthood. We will work with young people and their referral partners to remove barriers that they may face in accessing our expeditions.
All places are funded by the Pendragon Project. This funding includes: food accommodation camping equipment group activities transport to and from the expedition basecamp (meeting point will be determined in relation to where the young person lives)
Who can come on a Pendragon Expedition?
To join the expedition, a young person must: Be aged 17-25 at the time of the expedition Have an open mind and be willing to go on a new adventure Be supported in their application by a support worker, social worker or youth organisation they are involved with
They DON’T need to have any previous skills or experience in the outdoors!
All the initial information for partners can be found here, including a link to download our safeguarding policy and code of conduct
Meet the expedition leadership team here
Referral partners can register their interest on the website and we will then send on the referral form or they can Click here to submit Partner Referral Form
If they already have consent from the young person to do so.
Mental Health Support Survey for Young People, Parents and Carers
The impact of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and the Voluntary and Community Sector to rapidly change and adapt the services they provide to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. This includes developing their digital offer to better support children and young people. Hull and East Yorkshire Mind have now been commissioned by the Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership Children and Young People’s Mental Health Workstream, to lead on a piece of work to identify what young people want, need and think about digital mental health and wellbeing support.
As part of this work, a series of surveys have been put together to gather feedback – one is for CYP, and the other is for Parents and Carers.
We would really appreciate your support in helping us to promote these surveys
Here are the links:
• CYP Digital –
• CYP Parents and Carers Digital –
Safer Sleep Week
The impact of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for NHS Trusts, Local Authorities and the Voluntary and Community Sector to rapidly change and adapt the services they provide to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. This includes developing their digital offer to better support children and young people. Hull and East Yorkshire Mind have now been commissioned by the Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership Children and Young People’s Mental Health Workstream, to lead on a piece of work to identify what young people want, need and think about digital mental health and wellbeing support.
As part of this work, a series of surveys have been put together to gather feedback – one is for CYP, and the other is for Parents and Carers.
We would really appreciate your support in helping us to promote these surveys
Here are the links:
• CYP Digital –
• CYP Parents and Carers Digital –
Free Awareness Session
A free awareness session for members of your team to attend in relation to ‘Involuntary Celibates’ (INCELs), please see information below:
Awareness session for Mixed, Unclear or unstable ideologies (INCEL) 20th April 9:30-12:00 via TEAMS Presenter: Will Donovan, Home Office Intervention Provider
Overview of awareness session:
The Incel scene is a niche part of the ‘manosphere’, and is primarily an online space that promotes hostility to females from males who identify as ‘Involuntary Celibates’. Incels are generally united in their frustration with their virgin-status and provide ‘support’ to each other, which generally encourages hostility to females and males who they perceive to be superior to them. Online Incel rhetoric is typically deeply misogynistic and often encourages different forms of violence.
The 90 minute training will provide a broad overview of Incel ideology and narratives.
It will also raise awareness of how people can get radicalised by Incel narratives and will give an insight into the memes and online platforms where Incel material is typically found. There have previously been incidents of Incel related terrorism, as well as self-harm, that is promoted online. This will be explored, along with the different types of Incel-categories.
Please share this accordingly with your staff and to register for the session please click here to be taken to the booking link.
Healthwatch North Yorkshire is the local independent health and care champion which works to gather information on people’s experiences, needs and concerns in the health and care systems. We speak out on their behalf to those organisations who provide and commission services to try and bring about much needed change. Our Young Healthwatch is a very special part of the Healthwatch mission that is ensuring that young people’s voices are heard, and their experiences can influence the design, commissioning and delivery of local health and social care services. They are rolling out a Young mental health project, where our aim is to better understand mental health and wellbeing as experienced by young people (16 – 25).
It includes what issues young people have faced/are facing, where they turn to for support if they do and how they find the support offered as well as exploring what is missing from the services or support available. The link can be found here: the Young Mental Health Survey
Child Exploitation Awareness Week
We at North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to be supporting national Child Exploitation Awareness Day on 18 March 2022. The day aims to highlight the issues surrounding child exploitation (CE); encouraging everyone to think, spot, and speak out against abuse. The campaign calls for us all to take a zero-tolerance approach to child sexual exploitation (CSE) and child criminal exploitation (CCE).
More information can be found about National Child Exploitation Awareness day can be found here: STOP CE – National Child Exploitation Awareness Day (
In North Yorkshire we’ll be promoting awareness of child exploitation throughout week commencing 14 March. The theme we’re focussing on for the event this year is Be Aware, highlighting the work happening to develop and relaunch our Be Aware online knowledge hub;
Be Aware is already used by professionals across North Yorkshire. We want it to become a source of information and guidance for parents, carers and young people too, proving clear advice about where people should turn to if they’re worried.
We’re working alongside partners, professionals, parents, carers and young people in North Yorkshire to make sure Be Aware is shaped by real people’s experiences of exploitation.
The new and improved Be Aware online knowledge hub will help people know how to spot the warning signs, where they can access support, ways to keep safe and how to report any concerns about possible exploitation. We’re launching it in May 2022 and will share more information nearer to the time.
Keep an eye on our social media feeds throughout the week 14th – 18th March for updates and key messages linked to Child Exploitation in North Yorkshire.
For more information about the Be Aware website; or if you would like to get involved in the development of resources for the site contact
Children’s Society #lookcloser campaign
#LookCloser is a partnership campaign between The Children’s Society, the National County Lines Co-ordination Centre and the British Transport Police aiming to raise awareness of child exploitation and abuse, with a particular focus on public spaces. The campaign also seeks to challenge stereotypes of victimhood, highlighting that child exploitation can happen anywhere, and any young person can be a victim.
In advance of the upcoming awareness weeks, we are pleased to share our updated #LookCloser digital resources ready for use from the 7th March 2022. These include specific resources for people working with children, businesses and members of the public. The resources are now hosted via the #LookCloser webpage here. If you have engaged with the campaign before, please do check out the page – there are brand new resources available including specific resources for professionals on child financial exploitation and online harms.
The Children’s Society’s Prevention Programme will also be co-ordinating a virtual Programme of Learning during the awareness weeks. Bookings are now open! Please see attached the timetable and session descriptions for more information about the programme of learning and details on how to book your place. Spaces are limited so we recommend booking a place as soon as possible.
Multi-Agency Champions Event
Please note that a Multi-Agency Prevent Champions Event has been arranged for Tuesday 22nd March from 9:30- 15:30 via TEAMS.
This multi-agency event is for those who work within the Prevent agenda across York and North Yorkshire . There are a number of key speakers throughout the day touching on interesting topics, such as INCEL, to ensure that you as a professional is equipped to effectively undertake this role within your organisation in a confident manner.
Please register your interest for the Prevent Champions event via the link below:
Multi Agency Prevent Champions Event Tickets, Tue 22 Mar 2022 at 09:30 | Eventbrite
A Teams invite and agenda will be circulated to you accordingly.
Appropriate Language – Guidance for Professionals
Appropriate Language: Child Sexual and/or Criminal Exploitation Guidance for Professionals
The Children Society have updated their professional guidance around appropriate use of language towards children and young people at risk of, or experiencing exploitation. Since the publication of the previous guidance in 2017, the new guidance includes updated support for professionals around using non-victim blaming language across a range of terms often associated with describing children at risk of both child sexual and criminal exploitation. The guide is uploaded onto the NYSCP website and can be accessed through this link here.
Useful Links
- NYSCP Website, including
- North Yorkshire specific Practice Guidance & One Minute Guides
- Latest News Feed
- Training Courses
- NSPCC – CASPAR Weekly updated
- NSPCC & O2 New Aware
- CEOP – Think U Know
- CYPS info