NYSCP North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership E-Bulletin July 2022 - North Yorkshire

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North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership E-Bulletin July 2022

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Welcome to the NYSCP July 2022 edition of our e-Bulletin 

Welcome to July’s edition of our NYSCP E-Bulletin.

It is hard to believe that July is here and we are half way through the year! Last month we had the longest day with the summer solstice but we also had Safeguarding Week with 55 events throughout the week with 3572 people booked on to sessions, 45% higher than the previous year. During the Safeguarding Week NYSCP Masterclass the NYSCP launched the updated Be Aware knowledge hub which you can find out more about in this e-bulletin.

Linking with the theme exploitation of children and young people, I recently became aware of the Children’s Society’s Gaming Challenge: 24 Hours in July which is aiming to help raise money for young people at risk of abuse (including self-harm and suicidal ideation), exploitation and neglect. As the “techie” person in the team, and to support such a worthy cause, I have taken up the challenge. If you would like to find out more, please visit our website at www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/news/the-childrens-society-gaming-challenge

I hope you find the information in this month’s jam-packed e-bulletin useful and have a great July.

Haydn Rees Jones
NYSCP Policy and Development Officer

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Regional Safeguarding Outreach Service

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has launched a Regional Safeguarding Outreach service

which will focus on working collaboratively with Local Authorities, organisations and networks, to develop relationships and raise awareness of DBS as a safeguarding body.

The aim is to work more closely with organisations to build and develop relationships, and to act as a single point of contact for all DBS-related enquiries within their region.

The Regional Outreach Officer will be working with organisations and networks within Yorkshire & The Humber in several ways, including:

  • Answering DBS-related queries and providing advice via phone/email
  • Attending meetings, training and conferences, or visiting organisations for face-to-face discussion
  • Collating feedback, suggestions or comments and feeding this back into DBS
  • Helping organisations/networks to understand what level of DBS check can be applied for, and what information these checks will provide

Informing organisations and employers of their duty or power to refer

As part of the offer from the Regional Outreach service, your organisation can book one or all of the free to attend workshops:

Introduction to DBS products and services – appropriate for anyone who needs to know a little bit about DBS but not in great depth.

Eligibility– appropriate for those who need to give advice, make decisions about what levels of DBS checks should be applied for.

Legal duty to refer- appropriate for those who are dealing with safeguarding, welfare, disciplinary, HR staff etc

To learn more or book any of the workshops on offer please read the guide here and/or contact;

Rebecca Bool | Regional Outreach Adviser for Yorkshire & The Humber
Partnerships Team | Strategy & Performance Directorate
Disclosure and Barring Service
Tel: 0300 0731577
💻: https://www.gov.uk/dbs

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Briefing on key updates to statutory guidance for Schools in England

Keeping children safe in education 2021 Briefing on key updates to statutory guidance for schools in England https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/media/2624/keeping-children-safe-in-education-2021-caspar-briefing.pdf

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Spread the word about #DogSafety

Leading animal welfare organisations have teamed up to produce a shareable infographic to encourage safe interactions with dogs.

Recently we’ve seen several tragic dog attack fatalities, so it’s paramount that families are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to enjoy spending time with their dogs safely.

The Canine and Feline Sector Group Dog Safety Code highlights three crucial messages that all dog owners and families need to know:

  • Be alert – Always keep an eye on your dog around kids. Never leave them alone together
  • Be aware – Dogs use signals to tell us how they feel – What is your dog telling you?
  • Be safe – Any dog can bite. Accidents happen fast.

We’re encouraging safeguarding partners to display and share the infographic as widely as possible to get the #DogSafety message out there.

Available in digital and print versions – download from the Canine and Feline Sector Group website https://www.cfsg.org.uk/dog-safety/

More information can be found at: https://www.cfsg.org.uk/dog-safety/

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New Website for 4-7 year olds – Jessie and Friends

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new website for 4-7 year olds and accompanying guide for parents and carers.

What’s New ?

The website is based on the three-episode Jessie & Friends animated series, which aims to equip 4-7 year olds with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to stay safer online. It is intended to be used by 4-7 year olds alongside their parents and carers, or within education settings as a learning tool.

The new interactive website encourages 4-7s to engage safely online by helping them to recognise worrying, upsetting or scary situations and reinforcing the key message that they should ‘Tell A Grown Up’ in these instances.The website is divided into sections for 4-5 and 6-7 year olds and features relevant and age-appropriate games for the chosen age bracket. Each game focuses on one of four topics:

  • watching videos
  • chatting online
  • sharing pictures
  • gaming online

The Jessie & Friends episodes are also available to watch on the new website to enhance understanding. Take a look at the new website here

Parents and carers guide

The guide aims to support parents and carers in navigating the website alongside their child. It provides information on the background and purpose of the website, in addition to information about each of the games and conversation starters to use with children. The guide is available for you to download and share with parent and carer networks within your setting. Download the parents and carers guide here

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The cruel scam exploiting vulnerable people in our communities.

Please read this important message from CrimeStoppers and support them their campaign

In 2021, over £15 million was lost to courier fraud in the UK, affecting over 3,600 victims.

  • Around 60% of victims are over 70, and whilst the average loss per person is around £5,000, the highest single loss last year was £640,000.
  • One victim was a woman in her 80s who was conned out of more than £30,000 after handing over her debit card and her driver’s licence.

For the vulnerable victims of this sophisticated scam, the emotional and financial impacts are devastating.

For the criminal gangs behind it, the profits fund wider serious crime that impacts communities across the country.
Courier fraud is a scam where criminals pretend to be the police or the victim’s bank, tricking victims into providing banking details, withdrawing cash, foreign currency or purchasing gold, watches, or other expensive items.

We’ve developed a six-month-long social media and PR campaign, working with City of London Police and Action Fraud, to raise awareness of what courier fraud is, and how we all have the power to stop it.

Our response is to offer individuals in communities a way to speak up with information on the criminals behind courier fraud, 100% anonymously.

Educate. Solve. Support. Prevent

Our campaign takes a comprehensive approach to raise awareness and drive reporting on courier fraud, as well as working with our partners to signpost to support avenues available for victims.

Our messaging seeks to help tackle courier fraud by targeting audiences who may have information on the crime gangs behind it.

By targeting awareness messaging and highlighting the warning signs at potential victims and those close to them, as well as professionals in industries that may be able to witness this scam, we seek to help prevent future victims from being defrauded.

As well as offering the opportunity to give information anonymously, the campaign signposts to Action Fraud and other available organisations that offer victims support and advice.

We’d like to invite your organisation to support our campaign.
Follow us on social media to retweet and share our informative campaign posts, or download and share our partner pack with your networks.”

Download stakeholder pack here

Visit campaign landing page

Learn what we’re posting and when!
Download the social media schedule here

If you’ve seen or suspect crime and don’t want to speak to the police, you can tell us what you know on the phone on 0800 555 111 and online, 24/7, 365 days a year. For more information, please email brand@crimestoppers-uk.org.

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A fantastic new app has launched

A fantastic new app has launched for health, care, emergency service, local authority and VCSE staff across North and North East Lincolnshire, Humber, East Riding and North Yorkshire.

HNY Our People is part of and builds on the existing support provided across the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership and the Humber, Coast and Vale Resilience Hub (soon to become Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub). It’s designed to maintain and improve the wellbeing and physical and mental health of staff by providing a range of self-help resources to people ‘on the go’.

A tailored news feed provides you with advice and support signposting to a wide range of self-help materials and resources such as podcasts, giving you the tools at your fingertips to help manage your wellbeing positively and effectively.

If you’re looking for a little extra motivation you can also take part in challenges with other colleagues and track your progress along the way.

Anyone needing more in-depth mental health support, can also refer into the Resilience hub via the app, for additional support and advice.

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NSPCC Podcast – Sibling Sexual Abuse

Sibling sexual abuse is an area which receives little attention in comparison to other forms of sexual abuse, yet along with child-on-child abuse is one of the most common forms of sexual abuse. The NSPCC have released a podcast looking at the impact of sibling sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour, the importance of safety planning, how family dynamics can impact on this issue and how to provide support for families. The podcast can be accessed on the NSPCC website.

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ICON Campaign: Defence organisations come together to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope

“Babies cry, you can cope!” that’s the key message from Defence health professionals and specialist welfare providers as they launch ICON awareness week (July 4th-8th).

Research suggests that some parents and care givers can lose control when a baby’s crying becomes too much. Some go on to shake a baby with devastating consequences.

Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) causes catastrophic brain injuries, which can lead to death, or significant long-term health and learning disabilities.

ICON is a programme adopted by health and social care organisations in the UK to provide information about infant crying, including how to cope, support parents/carers, reduce stress and prevent abusive head trauma in babies.

The Defence ICON awareness week (4th-8th July) aims to raise awareness of infant crying and how to cope in a bid to support parents/carers and prevent serious injury, illness and even death of young babies a result of these incidents.

The evidence-based programme which is in place in many UK local authorities is also being in adopted by Defence contracted health services (SSAFA) in some overseas locations. The programme consists of a series of brief interventions that reinforce the simple message making up the ICON acronym:

IInfant crying is normal and it will stop
CComfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby and the crying will stop
OIt’s OK to walk away for a few minutes if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying isgetting to you
NNever ever shake or hurt a baby

Defence organisations coming together from July 4th-8th aim to spread the messages to help normalise infant crying and share coping techniques to help parents to deal with the stress it can cause.

Founder of ICON, Dr Suzanne Smith, said:

“Abusive head trauma can occur in any environment when a parent or carer is on the edge due to infant crying. We want to share information far and wide about what to do in these situations and how to stay calm.”

If you think you need help and are struggling to cope, don’t continue to struggle. Help is available from your midwife, health visitor, GP or go online and there are more resources on the ICON website: http://www.iconcope.org.

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Launch of free resources to support mental health

Together the NHS North Yorkshire CCG and North Yorkshire County Council are launching a new pool of resources which have been developed with partners and young people to help children and young people and their parents, carers and professionals’ access mental health support in North Yorkshire.

The new suite of resources are being launched during Safeguarding Awareness Week (20-24 June) to ensure children and young people across North Yorkshire are aware of support available and can access the right support at the right time and include:

  • A Young Person’s guide to Mental Health Support . A resource created and designed by young people across North Yorkshire for young people to help them find the right support, whether it be finding out more information, talking to someone or accessing more specialised support
  • An animation to raise awareness of The Go-To as a resource to support Children and Young Peoples Mental health.

All of these documents can be accessed and downloaded via the above links and our the go-to website. and a leaflet version of our young person’s guide to mental health will be distributed and accessible within schools across North Yorkshire in the upcoming weeks.

We hope you find these resources helpful and would very much appreciate you sharing this with your wider networks.

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Be Aware

Be Aware logo


North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to launch their new Be Aware Knowledge hub.

Be Aware is a knowledge hub designed to help prevent and tackle child exploitation in North Yorkshire. It has been used by professionals across North Yorkshire as a key source of knowledge and information about child exploitation since March 2021. The site has now expanded to include vital information designed for young people, parents, carers and local communities so we can all help to tackle child exploitation in North Yorkshire together.

The site has been developed in consultation with young people and families across North Yorkshire, ensuring the information is shaped in ways that will have the biggest impact.

Stories and experiences of child exploitation have also been shared, so families and residents can see what child exploitation can look and feel like, and the impact it can have on victims.

The site is designed with information designed specifically for parents, carers, young people, local residents and businesses to raise awareness and provide a one-stop shop of information about child exploitation by highlighting:

  • What child exploitation is and what it can look like.
  • Highlighting the different types of child exploitation – including County Lines and online exploitation.
  • How to talk to children about what child exploitation is, and things we can all do to help young people stay safe.
  • What the signs are that child exploitation and grooming may be happening.
  • What help and support is available in North Yorkshire if you are worried.

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Let’s talk about language: Tool’s for prompting discussion about our use of language around child exploitation.

Speech bubble with Let is talk text. Business concept. Boom retro comic style. Pop art style. Vector line icon for Business and Advertising.

NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

To promote the use of positive language across the partnership, a series of resources have been created to help practitioners consider the words, phrases and jargon that they may use when speaking to and about young people. It encourages consideration of the impact language can have for children and young people, as well as parents and carers affected by exploitation or other forms of extra-familial harm. This includes not just language used verbally, but information that is written in files, case notes, statements, assessments and reports.

This pack is a collation of key documents produced across the partnership; it is a tool to help prompt our discussions and reflections about our own use of language and the impacts it can have.

We have also developed a series of multiagency principals around the use of language which have been produced for use across the partnership. It is envisaged that these will enable partners to regularly discuss language used within their practice, supervisions/reflections and to encourage appropriate professional challenge where the language is inappropriate, harmful and requires reconsideration.

Whilst this pack has been developed with consideration of child exploitation and extra familial harm, it can be used in consideration of any of the language we use with young people and families. Whilst professionals invariably do not set out to use language that can cause harm, continued awareness of how the language we use shapes the narratives young people have of themselves and others around them is crucial. We don’t always get it right, but these principals are a commitment across our multi-agency partnership about how we will be cognisant of the need to use non-victim blaming language in our meetings, communications and engagements with other professionals, children and their families.

NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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Halo Project

The Halo Project is a specialist charity supporting Black and minoritised (BME) victims and survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and hidden harms – which include FGM, forced marriage and honour-based abuse. Our office and women’s refuge are based in neighbouring Cleveland and we are proud to deliver a victim support service across the entire North Yorkshire region, working closely in partnership with IDAS and the area’s other safeguarding services.

Our expertise span over 10 years and, through specialist support and trauma-informed training, we have helped more than 2500 BME women and girls to escape abuse and be empowered to live lives free from harm. We also offer accredited training to frontline professionals, as well as advice and guidance to professionals and those concerned about someone at risk via our Specialist Support Hub on 01642 683 045 (open office hours 9am-5pm), via email at info@haloproject.org.uk or via the live chat function on our website www.haloproject.org.uk.

We have leaflets and posters we can supply organisations with, to let those at risk in North Yorkshire know that they are not alone and that help is available. As well as the latter, we also offer free raising awareness sessions to North Yorkshire organisations on Halo Project and our support services. If your organisation wishes to take up the offer of free community awareness materials and / or a free awareness raising session, please contact info@haloproject.org.uk to arrange.

Day of Memory for Victims of Honour Based Abuse

On July 14th, please join us in marking the Day of Memory for Victims of Honour Based Abuse and remembering all those lost to ‘honour’ killings. The day, created by charity Karma Nirvana, marks the birthday of Bradford-born Shafilea Ahmed, who was killed by her parents in 2003 following years of abuse for becoming ‘too westernised’. Approximately 12-15 ‘honour’ killings happen in the UK each year, however that figure is expected to be much higher.

Show support and solidarity through your social media channels

  • Follow the Halo Project on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to share our Day of Memory and other important posts on your social media accounts and get the messages out across your networks to encourage victims and survivors to come forward for support
  • Use the campaign hashtags on your posts #WeRemember #DayOfMemory and tag @haloprojectuk
  • Use the “We Remember” graphic attached to help spread awareness.

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All Craven Schools and Groups working with Young People

Invitation to Craven Communities Together Partnership Meeting

Wednesday 20th July, 2-4pm on Microsoft Teams

To: All Craven Schools and Groups working with Young People

Dear colleagues

You are being warmly invited to the Craven Communities Together Partnership meeting on July 20th. We are focussing this month on LGBTQ+ and will have a presentation on the agenda at 2.15pm for roughly 30 mins, by young people with Lived Experience of being part of the LGBTQ+ communities, supported by SELFA Children’s Charity, whom we thought you might be interested in listening to.

Information about who Craven Communities Together are can be found via this link. https://www.compassehub.com/organisation/view/268

The meeting runs from 2-4pm and you are welcome to come just for the young people’s session, or to stay longer where there will be further presentations and discussions.

Please can you confirm your attendance by emailing Tracy Mount at t.mount@nhs.net who will send you the Teams link.

Thank you.

Craven Communities Together Partnership

FREE network event online for practitioners who are directly working alongside families affected by exploitation

Diverse people on online group video chat screen.

NWG are pleased to be facilitating a FREE network event online for practitioners who are directly working alongside families affected by exploitation on Wed 13 July 1 – 3 pm to be held on Microsoft teams.

The aim is to bring people together, share ideas and learning and progress any common themes that can help to support others.

For this first meeting, we are really pleased to welcome the Tackling Child Exploitation Team who will be running a focus group as part of their consultation process for developing practice principles on Child Exploitation and Extra Familial Harm.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to share your experiences and valuable insights to support national systems improvement. This discussion will focus on the support parents/carers need, building on the “joining the dots” paper that was developed recently. Spaces are limited so please book through Eventbrite here and please share with colleagues who you think this is relevant for.

Useful Links

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Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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