Who We Are & What We Do
The Children and Social Work Act (2017) and Working Together to Safeguarding Children (2018), removed the statutory requirement for North Yorkshire to have a Local Safeguarding Children Board.
As a result, the three statutory safeguarding partners in North Yorkshire:
- North Yorkshire Council
- North Yorkshire Police
- Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
in consultation with the relevant agencies agreed the new multi-agency safeguarding arrangements for North Yorkshire as set out in the Children and Social Work Act (2017).
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) undertakes the work of formerly of North Yorkshire Children’s Trust and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board with the aim to ensure all children in North Yorkshire are safe, happy, healthy and achieving.
For more information on what NYSCP does, download the partnership’s One Minute Guide and Partnership Arrangements document below.
NYSCP One Minute Guide:
NYSCP Arrangements:
NYSCP Annual Reports
NYSCP Independent Scrutineer publishes an Annual Assurance Report judging the effectiveness of our multi agency arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and young people in North Yorkshire.
To download and view our latest 2021 – 2022 Report click below:
Multi-Agency Strategies in North Yorkshire
There are currently two multi-agency strategies in North Yorkshire which lay out the vision and responsibility all services in North Yorkshire who work with children and young people have in ensuring children are safe, happy, healthy, and achieving. Both strategies can be viewed by clicking on the drop down menus:
Launched in 2019 is the new Early Help strategy for North Yorkshire, in the strategy’s foreword Stuart Carlton (Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Service), Scott Bisset (T/Assistant Chief Constable, North Yorkshire Police) and Michelle Carrington (Director of Nursing, North Yorkshire Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership):
We are delighted to introduce the new Early Help strategy for North Yorkshire. It is the embodiment of our joint will as Partners to ensure that we work in the most effective, co-ordinated way as early as possible when children and families need our joint support and help. This strategy ensures the effective delivery of the key principles defined in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 which we all, as partners have a statutory responsibility to co-operate with and contribute to.
The strategy is just the beginning. We will need to work with partners to introduce and embed the framework, develop skills and knowledge in our workforce, and ensure practitioners are confident with the approach. I have no doubt that we will grow this slowly and considerably over time. At the heart of the strategy is a well-known practice model used throughout North Yorkshire already, so it will feel familiar to many partners. It builds on families’ strengths, keeps language simple, and is clear about goals and progress. This means we do things with children and families, not to them, whilst using the family and wider network of friends and others to develop and support plans.
The right support at the right time and place is our joint ambition. We want partners and practitioners to feel well supported, knowledgeable and able to meet the needs of children and families as early as possible.
We know this will take time, but it is the right thing to do.
View and download the Early Help Strategy:
Additional supporting documents:
Early Help Assessment Form
Being Young in North Yorkshire 2021-2024 is the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Strategy for children and young people living in North Yorkshire.
As a partnership we recognise the diversity across North Yorkshire and how important it is to harness this when agreeing our delivery plans.
Our children and young people are our future, we want them to thrive in North Yorkshire and achieve the best possible outcomes they can.
This strategy sets out our vision which is shaped by the feedback from children and young people living in North Yorkshire and sets out our four key themes of children and young people having:
– a safe life
– a happy family life
– a healthy life, and
– achieving in life
For more information click on the image below: