Where to Go for Further Support
Parenting and caring for a child can be very rewarding, but it can also bring it’s challenges and difficult situations throughout all stages of bringing up a child.
NYSCP has provided useful links to information, advice, local and national resources, and services who can provide support to deal with the challenges parenting and caring can throw up to help keep your child safe.
This page will provide general advice and information on where you can go to access further support for you and your child. However should you worried that your child is in immediate danger please visit the NYSCP Worried About a Child page on the steps you can take and the services you can contact who can help you in these circumstances.
Support Services in North Yorkshire
In North Yorkshire there are a number of organisations you can contact to access further support for you and your child, below is a selection of the services you can go to for further support. For a more wider range of services please visit Services in North Yorkshire page or the Do You Some Help page for children and young people.
All organisations who work with children and families are signed up to NYSCP’s Early Help Strategy.
This means that organisations such as your child’s nursery, school, health visiting team, voluntary group may be able to offer you further support depending on yours and your child’s needs.
You can access Early Help support by simply having a conversation with an organisation you already have contact with such as the nursery or school your child attends. For more information about Early Help in North Yorkshire visit the NYSCP Early Help page.
North Yorkshire Council (NYC) provide a range of services such as children and family hubs, early education and childcare, the Early Help Service, Youth Justice, Children’s Social Care which can provide general through to more intensive support to help you safeguard your child depending on your needs.
Visit NYC’s Children and Families page here for further information.
Supporting Children & Young People in North Yorkshire
The aim of the Compass Phoenix service is to improve outcomes for children and young people in relation to their emotional wellbeing and mental health by strengthening the range of mental health support available to children and young people.
We offer:
One-to-one or group work support and interventions for children and young people aged 9-19 (and up to 25 for those with special educational needs or disabilities) who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health difficulties.
Support to schools to develop a whole school approach in relation to emotional wellbeing and mental health through the delivery of training.
Professional Consultation to school and college staff, providing advice and guidance on emotional wellbeing and mental health to help make sure that children and young people get the right support at the right time in the right place.
Our BUZZ US text messaging service.
Our dedicated team help young people to make sustainable lifestyle changes in order to improve their long-term health, resilience and emotional wellbeing, reduce risk to themselves and others and equip them to reach their potential.
We also work with school and college staff to build their confidence and knowledge of approaches to support the emotional and mental health needs of the children and young people.
How the service can help you
If you are starting to struggle with your mental health, then our caring and dedicated team can meet you face-to-face or we can support you on the phone or by an online video call.
We use ‘talking therapies’ (sometimes called ‘therapeutic interventions’) designed to help you cope and to understand your particular issues. We can also suggest useful ways family members and others close to you might be able to support you at home – but this is something we would talk to you about first.
How you can get support if you’re a child or young person
You can speak to someone from Compass Phoenix by ringing us on 01904 661916 or on our Freephone number 0800 008 7452.
If you are a young person wanting to make a self-referral, please download our Request for Support form, then email the completed form to phoenix@compass-uk.org
Referrals from parents or carers
We operate an open referral system which means that as well as taking self-referrals we also take referrals from parents and carers. Download our Request for Support form then email the completed form to phoenix@compass-uk.org
Professional referrals
Professionals are also welcome to make referral but we ask them to complete a referral form. If you would like to have a chat first please call 01904 661916 to talk over their concerns before completing a referral form.
Referral forms and more information can be found in the website here.
BUZZ US Text Message Service
Compass offers a confidential text messaging service to young people aged 11-18 across North Yorkshire.
Text 07520 631168 for confidential advice, support and signposting from a wellbeing worker within one working day via text.
When you text BUZZ US, you’ll get a message back letting you know if we’re open or closed. It’ll also tell you what you can do if we are not open and you need help in the meantime.
This might include contacting your doctor, visiting an NHS walk-in centre or calling NHS 111. You can also look up your local child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) crisis number. Also remember that if it is an emergency dial 999 or visit A&E.
If your child is caring for you or helping to care for a sibling or family member who lives with you there are Young Carer’s services across the county who can provide a wide range of support. To find out what support is available, contact the carers’ centres in the area you live in for further information:
Hambleton & Richmondshire:
Email: info@hrcarers.org.uk
Website: www.hrcarers.org.uk
Telephone: 01609 780872
Scarborough & Ryedale:
Email: staff@carersresource.net
Website: www.carersresource.net
Telephone: 01723 850155
Email: NE.YC@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk
Harrogate & Craven:
Email: NE.YC@actionforchildren.org.uk
Website: www.actionforchildren.org.uk
IDAS provides support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse in North Yorkshire.
You can self-refer yourself for support and IDAS will support you whether you make a formal report to the police or not.
IDAS provide:
· 1 to 1 emotional and practical support, including support through any police investigation and/or court proceedings
· Target Hardening where necessary to help victims remain safely within their own homes
· Supported group work and peer support networks
· Onward referrals and/or liaison with other support services as appropriate.
Use the below contact details for further information:
· Online at https://www.idas.org.uk/contact/make-a-referral/
· Email to info@idas.org.uk
· Phone on 03000 110 110
· Live Chat web chat facility Monday to Friday early evenings via the IDAS website
Places for practical information and advice
Welcome to the home of wellbeing and mental health for young people in North Yorkshire. We’re here to help you find the right help and support for you, to help you stay well, whatever is going on in your life.
NSPCC have a wide range of information and advice for parents and carers which includes:
- Baby parenting tips
- How to cope with tantrums
- Working from home
- Talking to children about racism
- Separation and divorce
- Mental health and parenting
- Alcohol, drugs and parenting
- PANTS: the underwear rule
- Talking about difficult topics
- Look Say Sing Play
Visit the NSPCC’s Parent and Carer Support page for further information.
On-the-go wellbeing support is available to new and expectant fathers in North Yorkshire. DadPad is free to download and provides on-the-go advice to help fathers enjoy their babies, feel more confident and support their mental and emotional wellbeing.
You can download the App from the following link: www.thedadpad.co.uk/app.