Partnership Award
NYSCP like to celebrate and showcase the great work happening right across our multi-agency partnership.
We would love to know about people who have stood out, gone beyond expectations or worked creatively and innovatively to improve the lives of Children and Young People in our County.
To recognise the contribution and impact we have established a NYSCP Partnership Achievement Award.
Individuals or teams working or volunteering with Children and Young
People are eligible to receive an award, all we need is your nomination!
There is a short form to complete, however please feel free to be creative,
we would love to see included evidence you have of recognition, such as
articles, photos or even a short video clip as to why you are nominating them.
Make a nomination by email:
Download the form below:
Complete and send to and we will acknowledge by return.
Next Steps:
The nomination will be presented by the Partnership Manager on your behalf to the NYSCP Executive Members and Independent Scrutineer.
The NYSCP Business Unit will let you know the outcome and winners will be invited to one of the NYSCP Strategic Group Meetings, held twice a year to receive their award.
If you have any questions about the nomination process please ask the Business Unit:
Tel: 01609 535123