Strength in Relationships Practice Model
North Yorkshire Council Children and Young People’s Service has adopted Signs of Safety, the core philosophy for working with children and families across North Yorkshire.
North Yorkshire Council Children and Young People’s Service has adopted Signs of Safety, the core philosophy for working with children and families across North Yorkshire.
This will ensure that a proven, evidence-based practice framework is used across all services creating consistent and inclusive experience across North Yorkshire for children and families in receipt of services. Families will become increasingly familiar with the concepts and vocabulary of Signs of Safety as it is used routinely in all our work with children and families from their first contact with practitioners in universal services and where necessary right through to child protection, children in public care and back to universal services
Central to this approach is the use of specific practice tools and processes where professionals and family members can engage with each other in partnership to address and work together on solutions to meet the needs of children. As practice depth grows, Children’s Services and partner agencies will use Signs of Safety as the basis of case discussions in multi-agency fora such as Child Protection conferences, Child in Need planning meetings and Looked After Children’s Reviews.