Training for School Staff
Schools are recommended to access training regularly on self-harm. Staff giving support to pupils who self-harm may experience all sorts of reactions to this behaviour in pupils (e.g. anger, helplessness, rejection); it is helpful for staff to have an opportunity to talk this through with work colleagues or senior management. Staff taking this role should take the opportunity to attend training days on self-harm or obtain relevant literature.
Compass holistic health and wellbeing solutions, tailored to each school or college setting. Working directly with senior leaders we focus on pupil and student mental heath to deliver practical solutions such as wellbeing strategies and training to help schools and colleges support their children and young people. These solutions:
- Support pupil or student attainment
- Increase pupil or student attendance
- Reduce mental health stigma
- Increase pupil or student mental health support
- Increase staff confidence
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership provides access and links to a range of courses aimed at people working with children and young people in North Yorkshire.
MindEd – Self-harm and risky behaviours. This e-learning is aimed at a universal audience and provides the background to self-harm in children and teenagers, common associated conditions and the optimal approach to managing it in the community
Young Minds have developed a free online course for parents to help them talk to their children about self-harming
Papyrus works around three key principles; Support Equip and Influence.
Support: We provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through our helpline, HOPELINEUK.
Equip: We engage communities and volunteers in suicide prevention projects and deliver training programmes to individuals and groups. This includes equipping local councils, healthcare professionals and school staff with suicide prevention skills.
Influence: We aim to shape national social policy and make a significant contribution to the local and regional implementation of national suicide prevention strategies wherever we can. Our campaigning comes from our passion as individuals, parents, families and communities who have been touched personally by young suicide. We press for change in many places using hard-hitting and dynamic campaigns as well as presenting evidence to those in power so that lessons can be learned and learning implemented to help save young lives.