NYSCP Prevent: Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism - North Yorkshire

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Prevent: Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism

Prevent: Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism

There are 4 key aims for this guidance:

1. To signpost the reader to the most relevant national guidance and strategies
2. To provide advice on understanding and recognising risks and vulnerabilities of radicalisation and appropriate, proportionate responses and interventions
3. To provide clarity on the process that needs to be followed when a concern is identified, NOTICECHECK and SHARE
4. To provide information on the local arrangements in place to support the multi-agency workforce.

The guidance recognises that effective implementation will require a multi-agency and partnership approach.

Following the reading of this guidance, agencies must ensure that Prevent and the Channel processes are embedded within their organisations and the day to day practice of the multi-agency workforce. Agencies in exercising their functions must have “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism” (S26 of the Counter Terrorism & Security Act 2015). Appendix 1 contains a self-assessment tool, which will assist partners with this requirement.

The guidance recognises that effective implementation will require multi-agency and partnership arrangements. North Yorkshire and York Strategic Prevent Board, North Yorkshire Local Safeguarding Children Board and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board through consultation have agreed these procedures.

National Guidance and Strategies

The UK faces a severe and continuing threat from international terrorism. The aim of CONTEST is to reduce the risk to the UK and its interests overseas from terrorism. CONTEST as a counter-terrorism strategy is organised around four work streams, each comprising a number of key objectives:

PURSUE: To stop terrorist attacks;
PROTECT: To strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack; and
PREPARE: To mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack.
PREVENT: To stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism;

The Prevent aspect of this strategy aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It contains three key objectives:
• Ideology: challenging the ideology that supports terrorism and those who promote it;
• Individuals: protecting people from being drawn into terrorism and ensuring that they are given  appropriate advice and support; and
• Institutions: supporting sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation.

Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism Practice Guidance:

Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism in Education Settings Practice Guidance:

Appendix 3 Prevent Self Assessment Template Working with Individuals Vulnerable to Extremism in Education Settings:

North Yorkshire Channel Panel Leaflet for Professionals:


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