NYSCP Campaigns - North Yorkshire

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NYSCP throughout the year will be running and supporting various safeguarding campaigns.

Be Aware

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to launch their new Be Aware Knowledge hub.

For more information visit: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Be Aware is a knowledge hub designed to help prevent and tackle child exploitation in North Yorkshire. It has been used by professionals across North Yorkshire as a key source of knowledge and information about child exploitation since March 2021. The site has now expanded to include vital information designed for young people, parents, carers and local communities so we can all help to tackle child exploitation in North Yorkshire together.

The site has been developed in consultation with young people and families across North Yorkshire, ensuring the information is shaped in ways that will have the biggest impact.

Stories and experiences of child exploitation have also been shared, so families and residents can see what child exploitation can look and feel like, and the impact it can have on victims.

One young person who shared their experiences of child exploitation said “if I tell my story and how everything happened with me, I think they’d be able to listen and, like, understand more about and stupid it is”. His mum, who also shared her story said “if it helps at least one person, then it’s done something hasn’t it?”
The site is designed with information designed specifically for parents, carers, young people, local residents and businesses to raise awareness and provide a one-stop shop of information about child exploitation by highlighting:

·       What child exploitation is and what it can look like.
·       Highlighting the different types of child exploitation – including County Lines and online exploitation.
·       How to talk to children about what child exploitation is, and things we can all do to help young people stay safe.
·       What the signs are that child exploitation and grooming may be happening.
·       What help and support is available in North Yorkshire if you are worried.

Promotional poster – please display in public places and spaces to promote the website: (Please click on image below for a larger, printable copy).

Email banner:

You can support the campaign following NYSCP www.twitter.com/nyscp1 on Twitter and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nyscp1/ to share posts on your accounts as well as helping us to get messages out across your networks. Mobilise colleagues by sharing messages and asking them to join you in supporting the Be Aware campaign.

“We all need to Be Aware of child exploitation because all children are vulnerable”
Parents with experiences of child exploitation are sharing their key messages with @nyscp1 to raise awareness of how we can all tackle exploitation together: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware

Did you know @northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership have spoken to parents and carers in North Yorkshire about what key information needs to be shared to help us all tackle child exploitation together.
Find out more about;
–  Spotting the signs
–  Speaking to you child about exploitation and keeping safe.
–   What to do if you are worried,
And much more in our new Knowledge Hub: Be Aware

Over at @NYSCP1 they are proud to launch their new child exploitation knowledge hub #BeAware. Shaped by families and young people sharing vital information to help us all tackle child exploitation together. Find out more: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Did you know @northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership have spoken to young people in North Yorkshire about what the key things they wanted to know about child exploitation:
Find out more about:
–  What child exploitation looks like
–  How you can spot the signs
–  Ways to keep safe when out with mates or online
–  What to do if you are worried.
And much more, in our new Knowledge Hub: Be Aware

Child exploitation is a form of child abuse; it is often a hidden crime but it is happening in North Yorkshire. @nyscp1 are raising awareness so we can all tackle it together. Find out more at our new knowledge hub: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware

@Northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership are proud to launch their new child exploitation knowledge hub: #BeAware. Shaped by families and young people; sharing important information to help us all tackle child exploitation together. Find out more: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Child exploitation is child abuse. Learning about the signs can help us all raise awareness and tackle it together.
We’re sharing the stories and experiences of exploitation in North Yorkshire on behalf of @nyscp1.
Let’s get talking about it! Find out more at:  www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

“We all need to #BeAware of child exploitation because all children are vulnerable.” Parents with experiences of child exploitation are sharing key messages to raise awareness of how we can all tackle it together – find out more from @nyscp1:

“I thought it was a good thing to do at the time because nobody my age was making the money I was making, but at the same time like – is it really worth it? …I was stuck”
Find out more about what @nyscp1 say child exploitation can look like for young people, what the risks are and where you can turn if you need help. www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Child exploitation is happening across North Yorkshire. All children are vulnerable. Local families and young people have helped @nyscp1 create a hub of key knowledge so we can all tackle child exploitation together.
find out more at: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware

Day or Night, Sleep Right Campaign #dayornightsleepright

Day or Night, Sleep Right is a key message to those who care for infants across North Yorkshire and York. The ‘Day or Night, Sleep Right’ campaign has been created as a way of providing information regarding the importance of safe sleeping environments for infants to reduce the number who have sadly died as a result of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) .

Sometimes families may be away from home and ‘Out of routine’ for example on holiday or visiting relatives. In light of this the Partnerships are urging people to think about safe sleeping arrangements for their infants.

Despite the substantial reduction in the incidences of SUDI in the 1980’s and 1990s via the Back to Sleep campaign, at least 300 infants continue to die suddenly and unexpectedly each year in England and Wales, sadly some of these deaths have occurred in North Yorkshire and York. The Safeguarding Children Partnerships are working with multi-agency partners to help reinforce the key messages of safer sleep to help increase awareness to expectant mothers and fathers, as well as wider carer givers such as grandparents and other family and friends.

For more information visit:


Day or Night – Sleep Right Video

NYSCP Podcast 6 – Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy

Day or Night, Sleep Right is a key message to those who care for infants across North Yorkshire and York. The ‘Day or Night, Sleep Right’ campaign has been created as a way of providing information regarding the importance of safe sleeping environments for infants to reduce the number who have sadly died as a result of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI).

In this podcast we hear from the Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children in Care from the North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group about safer sleep for babies.

Hidden Harm Campaign – #TellUsYourConcerns

Hidden Harm Bubble

The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) has launched a campaign asking members of the public to be vigilant for signs of hidden harm, which may have been less easy to spot during Covid restrictions.
We appreciate your help in sharing Hidden Harm messages on your channels and with your networks. The press release is detailed below:

People urged to watch for signs of “hidden harm” among children and young people
Communities in North Yorkshire are being urged to be alert to changes in children and young people which could suggest they are suffering “hidden harm” or abuse.
As more meeting places, clubs and venues open up as further Covid-19 restrictions are expected to be eased over the coming weeks, North Yorkshire’s Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) is asking people to be their eyes and ears in the community and report any concerns they might have for children.
Pressures on families arising from periods of social isolation during the pandemic have increased the risk of mental and physical harm to children and young people, but these signs of harm have been harder to detect, due to the lack of usual face-to-face interaction.
North Yorkshire County Council’s head of safeguarding, Danielle Johnson, said “We have worked closely as a partnership to reach out to those who are in need of our services and support. 
“We launched the Hidden Harm Campaign earlier this year to highlight the additional pressures and risks faced by some children and young people and ask that communities to look out for each other and report any concerns they may have.
“We are encouraging people to be vigilant and if you have concerns for a child; tell us. If you feel something is wrong; ring it in.
“We know lockdown restrictions have brought additional pressures for some families and increased the risk of issues such as domestic abuse. We would urge anyone in need of support for themselves, or their children, to speak to someone. Please don’t suffer in silence.”
Being at home for prolonged periods of time has placed some children and young people at greater risk of domestic abuse or neglect, especially coupled with the reduced social contact with wider family networks and friends, as well as professionals such teaching staff and health care workers.
Possible indicators of harm can include;
·       a change in behaviour such as becoming unusually withdrawn;
·       secretive behaviour;
·       self-harming;
·       A young person having more money, clothes or other items they usually couldn’t afford.
·       Children being seen in places they shouldn’t be during normal school term-time, or school hours.
A full list of possible signs of physical or mental harm can be found on the partnership’s website; NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) say anyone worried a child may be at risk of abuse or neglect can make a referral to the North Yorkshire Multi-Agency Screening Team (MAST), whether a member of the public, or a professional. You can report your concerns at North Yorkshire Customer Service Centre on 0300 131 2 131.

Where there are significant, immediate concerns about the safety of a child, contact the police on 999.

The County Council is one of three partners for safeguarding children arrangements, which along with North Yorkshire Police and NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group  make up NYSCP.

A podcast has also been created by the members of safeguarding children partnership, containing information for anyone who has concerns about a child and wants to know what to do next. To listen, click here; here.
Anyone worried about a child can also visit the NYSCP website; https://chsafeguarding.webc-dev.co.uk/about-us/worried-about-a-child for more information. Parents with concerns for their child can also visit; www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/parents-carers/parent-info

You can support the campaign following NYSCP www.twitter.com/nyscp1 on Twitter and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nyscp1/ to share posts on your accounts as well as helping us to get messages out across your networks. Mobilise colleagues by sharing messages and asking them to join you in supporting the Hidden Harm Campaign.

Please find below some suggested wording for social media – we would really appreciate you spreading the word via your channels. The link will need to be shortened for Twitter.
Images sized for social media can be found under the Graphics for Hidden Harm section below.

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) is asking you to look out for signs of abuse in children and young people.
Pressures on families arising from periods of social isolation during the pandemic have increased the risk of mental and physical harm to children and young people, but these signs of harm have been harder to detect, due to the lack of usual face-to-face interaction.

Signs of abuse or ‘hidden harm’ can include a change in behaviour such as becoming unusually withdrawn;
secretive behaviour; self-harming; or a young person having more money, clothes or other items they usually couldn’t afford.
If you are concerned about a child, you can call our Customer Service Centre anonymously on 0300 131 2 131.

Where there are significant, immediate concerns about the safety of a child, contact the police on 999.

Listen to the hidden harm podcast here 1. NYSCP Podcast – What is hidden harm? by North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership • A podcast on Anchor
@nyorkspolice @northyorks_ccg @nyscp1 @northyorkscc

@nyscp1 is asking you to look out for signs of abuse in children and young people as Covid restrictions are lifted. Read more https://chsafeguarding.webc-dev.co.uk/news/people-urged-to-watch-for-signs-of-hidden-harm/  #tellusyourconcerns @nyorkspolice @northyorks_ccg @northyorkscc

Resources for schools available on https://cyps.northyorks.gov.uk/covid-19-working-towards-wider-re-opening-schools including:

– Child Protection Policy Addendum
– Assessment guidance for Schools – Includes section on health and wellbeing
– Transition document for web – includes section on pupil wellbeing
– Curriculum Guidance and Support for Primary Schools and Settings – Include wellbeing section
– Early Help Strategy and Ladder of Intervention
– NYCC Safeguarding COVID-19 School Presentation
– COVID-19 Advice for Schools: Transition and Back to School (NYCC Educational Psychology Service)
– DfE Guidance Planning Guide for Primary Schools

Addendum to Safer Working Practice Guidance in Education Settings (https://chsafeguarding.webc-dev.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Guidance-For-Safer-Working-Practice-COVID-addendum-April-2020.pdf)

PowerPoint for Schools on Hidden Harm

Hidden Harm Campaign Schools Conference Video

Children and Young People’s Section on NYSCP Website (https://chsafeguarding.webc-dev.co.uk/children-young-people/do-you-need-some-help) includes Help, Exploitation, Mental Health, Online Safety, Info on Abuse
CEOP Think u Know (https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk)
Childnet (https://www.childnet.com)
Internet Watch Foundation (https://www.iwf.org.uk)
Net Aware (https://www.net-aware.org.uk)
Safer Internet Centre (https://www.saferinternet.org.uk)

Hidden Harm Bubble

Hidden Harm Eye

Hidden Harm Hand

Hidden Harm House

Hidden Harm OnlineHidden Harm Online
Hidden Harm Child

Download Hidden Harm Poster in URDU

Download our collection of hidden harm campaign posters for you to use within your establishments.
Download the Hidden Harm Poster

Partnership Information Sharing Form Campaign

The Partnership Information Sharing Form (click here to access the form) gives professionals a safe and direct way to share information with North Yorkshire Police. Information shared on the form could include a variety of points, such as:
·        Information about a concerning incident
·        Suspicious activity
·        An unusual exchange between two or more people
·        Something that makes a professional uncomfortable

North Yorkshire Police (NYP), North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP), North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership (NYCSP), City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership (CYSCP), and Safer York Partnership (SYP) are running a campaign between Monday 6th – Friday 10th July 2020 to raise the profile and awareness of the Partnership Information Sharing Form alongside supporting guidance to support frontline professionals in using the form more widely as part of their practice.
Across North Yorkshire and the City of York the form provides valuable information to North Yorkshire Police which otherwise may not be known. It is key in building a picture of the contextual safeguarding needs within a community, for example providing information such as hotspots and locations where anti-social behaviour or child exploitation may be taking place.
The form however, is not widely well known or consistently embedded within professional’s practice. We would therefore like your support in raising awareness of the purposes and value in using the form to share information with North Yorkshire Police. 

– Post Partnership Information Sharing Form content on your social media accounts (suggested content overleaf)
– Follow NYSCP (@NYSCP1), CYSCP (@YorkSCP), SYP (@SaferYork) on Twitter to share Partnership Information Sharing Form posts on your accounts and get messages out across your networks
– Mobilise colleagues by sharing messages and asking them to join you in supporting the Partnership Information Sharing Form Campaigns

For more information about the campaign in North Yorkshire to discuss in more detail how you and your organisation can get involved, please contact NYSCP (nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk) or NYCSP (nypartnerships@northyorks.gov.uk). In York for further information please contact CYSCP (CYSCP@york.gov.uk) or SYP (info@saferyorkpartnership.co.uk).

Thank you in anticipation of your support for Partnership Information Sharing Form Campaign.

Look out for our posts on the NYSCP Twitter, CYSCP Twitter, SYP Twitter feed and re-tweet them to your followers. In addition, feel free to use the below pre-populated messages along with the 5 Social Media Graphic (see Resources to Download section) of what the Partnership Information Sharing Form is to tweet from your organisation’s social media accounts. We encourage you to tweet twice a day, repeating messages throughout the week of the campaign:

Twitter Messages with North Yorkshire Links:

Sharing information with the police is critical in safeguarding communities. Use the Partnership Information Sharing Form: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/  #DontIgnoreItShareIt
However minor or trivial the information you have may seem, it could help provide a clearer picture of local issues and wider community related problems. Use the Partnership Information Sharing to share this with the police: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/ #DontIgnoreItShareIt
Have the bigger picture in mind. Are there locations in a child’s community outside of their home which are a worry? A park, a building, a street, a shop front, a car? Pass this info on via the Partnership Information Sharing Form: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/ #DontIgnoreItShareIt
Unsure on what the Partnership Information Sharing Form Is? View our One Minute Guide on Intelligence Sharing for further information: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/NYSCP-NYCSP-Intel-sharing-OMG-2020-06-15.pdf #DontIgnoreItShareIt
When submitting information to the police, your identify is protected. Share information with the police  via the Partnership Information Sharing Form: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/ #DontIgnoreItShareIt
Creating safe spaces for children growing up in their community is crucial. Using the Partnership Information Sharing Form to pass info to the police helps to disrupt those who wish to commit harm. Download the form here: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/ #DontIgnoreItShareIt
Don’t assume someone else will see or hear what you have and share this information. Take responsibility and use the Partnership Information Sharing Form: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/ #DontIgnoreItShareIt
Think #ContextualSafeguarding. Harm against children such as Child Exploitation is often posed outside of the family home. Public & online spaces need to be safe. Share concerns you have via the Partnership Information Sharing Form: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/professionals/forms-for-professionals/ #DontIgnoreItShareIt

Why not include a Social Media Graphic along with a pre-populated message on Twitter to help widen the reach of the campaign? Click on an image below and then right click to save a copy:






Email Banner

“Let’s Talk About It”: Prevent online radicalisation during Covid-19 lockdown

Alongside North Yorkshire Police and our community safety partners we are supporting a campaign to tackle the threat of online radicalisation during the coronavirus emergency.

Co-ordinated by Prevent and with a focus on its “Let’s Talk About It” website https://www.ltai.info/, it is aimed at young and vulnerable people who could be at risk of being groomed by extremist individuals and groups online.
As with crimes such as fraud, child abuse and child sexual exploitation, the closure of schools and colleges has increased the chances of young people falling victim to online radicalisation while following the current social distancing and self-isolation rules.

Detective Superintendent Allan Harder, Head of Safeguarding at North Yorkshire Police, said: “During the coronavirus pandemic when we are all becoming more reliant on communicating online, it is essential to be aware of the dangers of online radicalisation and where professional help and support can be readily accessed.
“While such cases are rare, it is still important for parents, carers and young people themselves to be aware of the negative influencers and groomers who use the internet, social media and online gaming to spread extreme ideas.
“Some of these ideas may be considered radical or extreme, and when a person starts to support or be involved in them, this is called radicalisation which is a very serious matter for the police.”

If you are worried about a friend, relative or even yourself, please go to the Prevent “Let’s Talk About It” website https://www.ltai.info/.
If you have an immediate concern that you need to share with a trained professional who will treat your enquiry with understanding and discretion, please call North Yorkshire Police on 101.
Follow @TerrorismPolice and @NypPrevent on Twitter to keep up to date on Prevent activities.

Since the Prevent Strategy was introduced in 2006, the UK Police Service has played a vital role in stopping people getting drawn into terrorism and violent extremism by helping to support the vulnerable.
This unique contribution has been essential in boosting the UK’s ability to counter the threat posed by terrorists, whilst at the same time helping build stronger and safer neighbourhoods.
Our work under Prevent builds on existing strong relationships between police and professionals involved in other safeguarding work such as sexual abuse, neglect and other risks.
More recently, we have begun work to encourage business leaders to understand the objectives and importance of Prevent, and how they can contribute.
Our statistics demonstrate that our work under Prevent covers all communities and all forms of extremist activity, including extreme right wing behaviour.

If you can support via RTs/shares on social media that would be great, or adapt for your own purposes using this comms toolkit which also includes a video: https://www.counterterrorism.police.uk/prevent-toolkit/


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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