Framework for decision-making: Right help, at the right time by the right person
The “Framework for decision-making: Right help, at the right time by the right person” has been developed to help and support practitioners working with children across all agencies and organisations, when faced with a decision about the safety and wellbeing of a child or young person. It is a collaborative approach to support and drive our shared ambition of the right help, at the right time from the right service and, importantly, from the right person.
The guidance sets out which agencies and which levels of intervention may be needed to keep children safe, support families, build on their strengths, promote resilience and overall outcomes for children, young people and their families.
The Framework should be used by practitioners to aid decision making and identify next steps but not replace the conversations when concerns about a child or young person are raised. All practitioners should use their safeguarding leads and Early Help Consultants for support, guidance and reflection.
The Framework supports practitioners with thresholds and also embeds the North Yorkshire’s relationship based model of practice using a Signs of Safety methodology to understand past and potential harm, along with safety and strengths to develop what needs to happen next (see
This document sits alongside, and is complimentary to, existing NYSCP Procedures which can be found at and the Early Help Strategy.
NYSCP Webinar: Launch of the NYSCP Threshold Guide
Watch the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) launch of the Threshold Guide. This guide will ensure families get the right help, at the right time by the right person. The webinar covered the following areas:
Launch of the framework for decision-making: Threshold guide
-Re-visiting the NYSCP Early Help Strategy
-What does a good referral look like?
-The Local Protocol – What happens when a case comes into the statutory services?
-Launch of the Solihull Parenting Programme
The webinar is aimed at anyone who works or volunteers with children, young people and families in North Yorkshire.
To view the webinar for the Threshold Guidance launch event click the link below:
To read and download the slides that accompanied the session please click below: